Difference Between a Purchase and a Tribute in FinDom and FemDom

Difference Between a Purchase and a Tribute in FinDom and FemDom

The Difference Between a Purchase and a Tribute

FinDom and tributes have confused submissives since I started in this industry. I decided it was time to write an entire post about this to attempt to inform subs about the differences between financial domination and paying for a service or product. For the life of Me, I cannot figure out why this is so challenging, but I hope that this helps.

First of all, we need to cover the fact that Female Domination isn’t just a type of “fancy” porn. FemDom is not just where the Domme usees fancy words as synonyms for words you already know.

But, let’s look at the Oxford Dictionary definitions of both words before continuing.

Purchase: Acquire (something) by paying for it; buy.

Tribute: An act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration.

So, where did the idea of sending “tribute” originate?

The words “tribute” and “payment” are not necessarily interchangeable; they do not mean the same thing in Female Domination or the outside world. Yes, both indeed involve the exchange of money between two people. Payment is sent to purchase something tangible, whether it be a service or a product. A tribute is not. A tribute, in some instances, is an offering to a God or Goddess. Yes, peasants often tributed hoping for a little positive energy from the God or Goddess in return. They would sacrifice people so that they could offer their souls to the Gods in exchange for a good growing season. That is a bit extreme, but it is an ancient form of tribute.

Are tributes only seen in FinDom?

The idea of a tribute arose from the gesture of making a tangible sacrifice for an intangible being. They would offer food, jewels, clothing, money, souls, whatever they had of value to give to the Gods. They wrote songs, built monuments, and more all to please their Gods. To this day, people still pay tribute to the churches as they pass the collection plate around. In some parts of the world, they still sacrifice animals. But obviously, I desire no such extremes in My Empire.

Would you try to buy a service from a God or Goddess?

Do people see tributes as a payment to the Gods to buy their services? I’m sure some do, but that seems to defeat the gesture a bit. That scenario seems as if the God/Goddess is in debt to the peasant. Sending a tribute is more so sending a gesture of devotion and love to your superior. Perhaps even in hopes that you may be deemed worthy of a reward one day. I am sure that the ancient Gods and Goddesses would have frowned upon such selfishness. The Gods certainly would deny the peasant’s request.

How do you know if you sent a Tribute or a Payment?

This question should be easy to answer, but for many, it isn’t. Stop and think before sending your money to the Domme. Do you have a thorough understanding of exactly what you will receive in exchange for the money sent? Did She confirm before you sent the payment that XYZ was going to occur or be sent to you? Did you purchase a video, or order a custom clip? Are you sending money to book a private session? Payment is sent to complete a purchase. This means that there is a clear exchange of goods and or services for the money. Is there is an agreement to exchange a good or service for the money that you send? Then it will never be a tribute. Above, a tribute is compared to a gift, as it should be.

Let’s say you give a gift to a friend. Do you expect them to do something for you in exchange for their present? If you do, it is no longer a gift. A tribute is a part of FinDom; you would never say that you were financially dominated because you bought a bagel. You desired to eat a bagel and decided that you were willing to pay $2 to purchase a bagel. Did you send a tribute to the cashier at the bagel shop? No, of course not; you made a purchase. The same concept applies to FinDom and FemDom goods and services. Let’s say you desire to try chastity with a mistress and send Her a payment for Her chastity services. You made a purchase.

What do you get if you send a tribute to a FinDom?

I have had many subs seem to think that sending a tribute is a bit like purchasing a mystery prize. They assume that when they send $XX.xx that something magical is going to happen. It’s almost as if they think I am a mysterious vending machine. Let Me make this clear; a tribute is NOT the purchase of a mystery good or service. You aren’t spinning a wheel to decide what random kinky fun is going to come out of the Domme’s mouth. Have you sent tributes with this assumption in the past? I guarantee that both you and the Domme were just confused. Have ever felt “ripped off” or “scammed” because you sent a tribute to a FinDom and didn’t receive what you were expecting to receive? That is because you didn’t understand what a tribute is.

Have you ever asked a Domme, “what do I get if I send a tribute?” That means you aren’t sending a tribute. If you say that, you are looking to purchase something while being incredibly cryptic about what it is you desire. Maybe you don’t even know what it is that you want. If you are inquiring about a list of goods and services that She offers, then say that! Asking a FemDom or a FinDom about where you can find their prices for various goods and services is perfectly acceptable. But, asking what you will get if you give them a gift isn’t very submissive or friendly at all. If you are uncomfortable sending a FemDom a tip, then stick to purchasing goods and services.

Technically, it’s rude NOT to send tribute to a FinDom/FemDom.

The fact of the matter is that in the USA it is customary to tip someone in the service industry. If you enjoy your service, you should leave a tip! If a customer doesn’t leave a tip after their service, it generally means that they were not satisfied with their experience. Most people consider it to be extremely rude if someone fails to leave a tip after paying for a service. You can use the words “tip” and a “tribute” somewhat interchangeably. Also, it is important to note here that purchases vs tributes payout differently. Adult Models receive a much higher percentage from tips than they are from their products.

If I sell a $10 video (on any platform besides AVN Stars), I will make $6. If someone sends Me a $10 tribute on (almost) any platform, I will make $8. Especially if you are a regular spender, tips can enhance your experience by encouraging the service provider to ensure you have an excellent time. But, a tip is not buying a separate secret service. If you tip a waitress after your meal, do you expect her to walk out of the kitchen with a mystery plate of food for you? No, you don’t. You shouldn’t expect a FinDom to surprise you with a mystery prize after sending your tribute unless that is what you agreed upon beforehand. In that instance, the tribute would be a borderline payment anyway.

Is a Tribute Sending Money for Nothing?

I mean, if you want to be a closed-minded Debbie Downer, you could say that. But a real submissive knows the value of sending tributes to their Domme regularly. A tribute is an expression of gratitude and devotion, which are both essential emotions for a submissive to experience. Part of being a submissive is having the desire to serve and please their superior. If you are only ever interested in sending money if you are exchanging that money for a good or a service, then you seem only to be interested in pleasing yourself.

Do you want to fantasize about submitting to a Domme, or actually submit? I can completely understand that, and if you are comfortable simply being a customer, by all means, continue paying for your fantasies without tipping the creator. You are still supporting their Empire and padding their next paycheck, which are both incredibly positive things! However, if you are seeking a deeper and more meaningful relationship with your Domme, you are going to have to send tributes.

FinDom tributes go much further than kink based submission online!

Selflessness and sacrifice are two vital qualities for any good submissive to have. A good boy focuses on the pleasure of his Domme more so than his own. You can perform fetish based acts of submission until you are blue in the face, but that type of “servitude” doesn’t have any real value to the FemDom. Do you have any idea how many people send Me unsolicited vulgar images and videos of themselves daily for no reason?

Trust Me; I know how to use Google at this point in My life. If I want to see a man shoving a ten-inch dildo up his ass, I know where to go to find that material. I also promise you that any femdom you find online has a basic understanding of how to type in a search engine to find what they are seeking. You aren’t serving Her or doing Her any favors by sending Her your porn; you’re making Her check Her inbox for no reason.

No, I don’t want to see you put that in your butt.

Yes, I know that many of these perverts have a fetish for exposure, and they get off on knowing a hot girl saw them do XYZ. But there have been many times I asked these people why they thought their behavior was appropriate (I like to learn why). Many genuinely apologized. They thought it would please Me. I know it may be not very clear, but when we post online about how much we love certain activities, we are marketing our business. That means that they are advertising their goods and services that people are may like to purchase.

The truth is that no professional FemDom is providing free domination services; otherwise, they wouldn’t have a business. Attempting to engage in a session with a Domme without proper payment first is an attempt to steal service from a FemDom, which I know is not what you want to do. Performing unrequested acts of submission that you desire to do are in no way sacrificial or selfless; you are pleasing yourself and exposing yourself to someone without their consent.

Sending tributes makes you stand out for the right reasons!

Sending tributes allows you to rise above the types of “submissives” I described earlier in the post. It will allow you to cultivate a deeper relationship with your Goddess because She will see that you value and respect Her more than the others. Sending tribute is extremely different than sending a payment, but you may find your Domme spending more time talking to you if you are regularly sending tributes. A FemDom only wants to give Her energy to those who truly appreciate it and show Her the devotion she deserves.

By sending money, you are sacrificing your time that you spent earning that money, as well as some of your power that comes with having money. Money is freedom and power in this world, and giving your freedom and power to your Domme is exactly what you should desire to do. By sending money without the expectation of receiving anything in return, you are proving to your Domme that Her pleasure is truly your number one priority.

FinDom makes Online FemDom more realistic!

Similar to a traditional relationship, it is appropriate for subs to cover the cost of coffee, dinners, beauty appointments, and other things that make Her happy. Especially since this article is focusing on the long-distance domination dynamic that occurs online, you can’t provide service-based submission for your Domme.

I would love to make men clean My house, mow My lawn, take out My garbage, and whatever other tasks I don’t feel like doing Myself. But the truth of the matter is that it isn’t safe nor practical for Me to invite strangers from the internet to come to My house to mow My lawn. But I have pets that send to cover these services for Me as a gesture of goodwill and servitude. If you would be willing to take the time to mow My lawn, then you should be more than willing to work a little overtime to send $50 to cover what I pay My lawn mower service. Financial Domination can be used to bridge the gap when engaging in online femdom relationships.Â